some suggestions for patent reform in india


suggestions for patent reform: a) we need to learn from australian innovation patent system which gives a faster easier and affordable track to msme and individuals having small incremental innovations. It is better than petty patent system since it covers processes also. It permits five claims, has life for eight years and is granted in three months and does not require examination. Though it does require novelty .  b) we should have a fast track for green innovations as uspto has done in nov 2009. c) we should have a fund to supporting filing of  patent protection for small innovators, local communities and traditional knowledge holders who have hitherto unrecorded knowledge claims. One should not treat as all TK as p[rior art, asi have argued in my talk at WIPO several years ago ( you can ifnd that paper on my blog and at wipo site also d) we should have a consortium of IP lawyers to help students whose ideas are posted in summary form at  e) we should promote the concept of technology commons developed by Ms Riya Sinha Chokakula in her PhD thesis in progress,  to suggest that people to people copying of innovations for survival ( the right to life taking precedence over right to knowledge) That is peer learning among economically poor people , but people to firm should not be allowed without due license. f) we should develop patent search  facilities for local communities to track biopiracy of their knowledge  by Indian companies as well as foreign companies.  Anil K Gupta
