let us become vulnerable and thus overcome imperviousness to larger Grace of goodness in the world.


Empowerment of others is not possible without empowering ourselves.how do we empower ourselves, except by becoming vulnerable. it might appear paradoxical that we are closer to ourselves when we have least clothing of power on us. Authenticity requires a constant revalidation  of our understanding about  our place in this world. There are many ways  in which we define our place, by learning from past, our own actions and that of others, from scriptures, texts and philosophical treatises, from experimentation, through interaction with our own self( internal dialogues)  or external dialogues with peers, younger minds and older people, strangers as well as familiar ones, nature, perfect strangers etc.

learning from curious, creative, compassionate and collaborative people changes our understanding of our place in this world. This is what Honey bee network has stressed over last two decades. Cross pollination across cultural, sectoral and spatial boundaries
enriches our knowledge, expands our feelings and incentivises our ability to convert feelings into action.
let us become vulnerable and thus overcome imperviousness to larger Grace of goodness in the world. Anil K Gupta
