Paper Archive

Three cases from India” Conservation and Sustainable Use of Agricultural Biodiversity: A Source Book, CIP-UPWARD, Los Banos, Laguna, Philippines, Vol. 2, p. 332-336, March 2003 Download
Why should Corporations rethink their policies for sustainable pest management? Paper prepared for presentation at the IV Asia Pacific Crop Protection Conference, 2003 during September 18 – 19, 2003, New Delhi Download
The case for in situ conservation of agro biodiversity and the role of traditional knowledge and IPRs. Paper presented at the Workshop on Property Rights Collective Action and Local Conservation of Genetic Resources, Sept 29 –...
Giving Visibility, Voice and Voluntary Platform to Green Grassroots Innovators and Traditional Knowledge Holders, presented at ICT Development Forum, Petersburg, Germany, May 21, 2003 Download