how much do contradictions in the lives of leaders matter?


weekend edition of mint has an interesting article by aakar patel on the human face of our national idols. interesting and revealing, well researched. but then what is the purpose, to prove that the leaders have feet of clay!. Nehru had authored an article in Modern review in 1937 under the pseudonym Chanakya   without disclosing his identity criticizing arrogant streaks  in him. how many leaders will take potshots at themselves in such a public way. he did many mistakes but remember the so called of temples of moden india, outstanding s and t institutions and a lot more was created due to his imagination. i am sure so did all leaders, subhash bose, and vivekanand and rest described in literature have all had their quota of mistakes and frivolities. so what! i will any day admire a leader who is human, humble and is willing to share his mistakes openly than some one who is surreptitious about it. would mistakes by aperosn take away the goodness of his thoughts. will we evaluate a novel by the way personal life is led by an author or by its literary value? Yrue authenticity is rare attribute and soem great leaders have been very authentic. but till we have more of these manufactured in our society, i will do with well intentioned and straightforward people who have courage of their convictions, even if i disagree with those convictions. well done aakar.

Anil K Gupta
