how to sprout seeds of communal harmony in a field with manure of violent past being fed all the time?


how do we generate hope of reconciliation from the grassroots up, can all those who feel sad about their acts of commission and omission confess their gult and just take a vow to be more humane and kind to each other? can villagers which could not protect innocent neighbours realise that revenge for some body else\’s mistake can never sow the seeds of love and harmony and both sides can forget and start afresh. Except in the cases of extreme violence( where only victim\’s kin can forgive, if asked ) can we let community spirit prevail over legal channels through genuine catharsis. If south africa can have reconciliation, palestinians can try, east and west berline can unite, Taiwan and PR CHina can trade and build upon their ancient goodwill, why can not the genuine and honest appeal for sustained communal harmony be not the balm to heal the wounds. can we ever earn respect of our grandchildren if we dont sow the seeds of genuine love and compassion? even if i am naive, i will hope that community, neighbourhood level dialoge will only eliminate the cancer of hatred, there is no other way to ensure durable love and genuine mutual respect and affection.

Anil K Gupta
