Zen story on emptying oneself as a prelude to learning


A student went to a famous teacher and requested to be taught.  After looking at him, the teacher asked him to come after sometime.  The student went after a month requesting admission, the teacher again told him to come after sometime.  Slowly and slowly, a year and a half passed without student succeeding in getting the opportunity to learn from the master.  One day, he got exasperated.  He asked with a sense of frustration and anger, “Respected teacher, you are teaching so many students regularly.  But whenever I request attention, you ask me to come after sometime.  What is my flaw, please guide me.”  The teacher smiled and asked him to bring a glass of water.  Then he asked him to bring another glass of water.  Now came the climax.  The teacher asked him to pour the water of second glass in the first one.  The student said that it was not possible because the first glass was already full of water.  The teacher told him, “every time you come to me, you look like a glass full of water.  Unless you empty yourself, how can I offer knowledge to you”.


Anil K Gupta
