Respected sir
Could i get some suggestion before i take the IDPs into hand from those Industries/MSMEs/others to be taken into Techpedia IDP section for making real time solution in stipulated time.
So far as industry defined problems that i decided to use as protocols for time are:
1. Each industry will have to make a commitment of providing minimum 30 specific Problem statements per year.( paper work of MOU will be done in December itself)
( Will this number be ok initially,because each
industry provides 100s of IDPs of their daily life every year to even short time techfests.So far as initial feedback of my proposal industries are eager to land on permanent platforms like us.In case the numbers may vary from organisations to organisations) Initially the solution will be searched from our database,whether any such attempt related to this exists with us.)
1. I will distribute them via moderators (faculty-students-innovators) having team of max 4 (in specific case we can change) and guides per Idea( 2 to 3) . These people may not belong to specific organisation or region. They will share open documents to discuss on Techpedia web resource( For which i need to improve many features of Website).In hard copy we will be keeping up to date track of progress and hindrances due to limited instruments,human resource etc and will be reporting the concerned person of the industry.
( we will seek open applications on our web nationally to address the issue. The guide have to choose the best people. Live progress of each group making similar solutions will be on updated by that coresponding IDP blog/section to genertae competency among similar groups at various geographical locations.)
1. One IDP can be given to more than one group . The best group will be taken as intern to avail further research in the respected organisation using real industrial tools.
( The feasibility of Interns/fellowships by that organisation may depend upon the level of competency of the solution,may be best 10%-20% of IDP taken from one organisation will be converted to next stage)
1. The faculty guiding them will be putting evaluation in each 7 days and will put on paper.Final output has to be delivered in time.
( External faculties and guides will be added as guest comment in any running IDP as suggestive mesaure may be in open webspace or in some cases it can be avaialble only to user).
ideal, but don’t push faculty too hard in the beginning. let us get them involved first and nudge them to respond. they might get put off if we put too strict deadlines. we professors don’t mind pushing students hard, but when it comes to ourselves, many times we sort of look around, !!!!!!
1. Few best scholars from all 30+ IDP given by company may be absorbed by industry for longer period if it wishes.
( If the solution is exceptional in simulation/testing module it’s marketability via proper channel can be done with utmost intellectual property constraints).
well, idea is not to make a outsourcing hub for large companies. they should attract students through complexity of the problems and offering of awards. But beware, beware. We should rot repeat the model that appears to be visible on tv channels. Only a handful large companies seem to occupy all the advertisement time. They thus determine what will be the priorities of entertainment on tvs. that is dangerous. public spirited content suffers. I know it fiorst hand. A leading channel started a serie son innovations with us. But then they would hesitate in giving credit to NIF/honey bee network in stories though t was evident that all stories were being given by NIF. many people did not know that it was NIF that was giving the content. May be they had pressures from the advertisers or sponsors. should not get trapped in the priorities of large enterprises. We have to be careful that the best students don’t get attracted only towards solving the problems of large enterprises. I know it is difficult, lure of market is strong. But may be the joy factor will make a difference. May be because small enterprise will share more information, may be because they will offer more learning opportunity, may be they will be more keen to tell whether suggested solution from student worked or not? let us try to motivate the students to get interested in the problems of small actors who make a big contribution to economy, society, culture and employment.
1. If the industry wishes we will provide the best among these 100 Interns for that company a joint fellowship with Techpedia in terms of certification only.
( Initially this fellowship may not be monetarily associated as ,for students and faculties/guides the significance of fellowship certification is more psychologically accepted now a days).
it is possible, AASTIIK can provide a fellowship certificate if they solve real life problems, sure, that is a good idea. we will also consider some of them for the sristi yuva yantriki awards.
1. We will be providing only IDP details, persons involved in it from our side and open discussion forum to support them in public.
( here the kho-kho model can really be active to impart solutions. In case we will preserve original approach of the solution provider to secure his work and only related discussions can be done in that gallery)
1. The duration of problem statement may be 3-6 month or 1 year duration depending upon the gravity of the issue.
( This has to be decided by the IDP provider, and we will strongly monitor the boundary issues so that progress of solution will be scaled time to time)
1. The faculty and students will be assembled via open application in Techpedia platform or in initial cases via personal interactions.
( For initial time we may take from associated technical people with us since few months or similar ways to buy time)
1. The best performing among the above may be rewarded from Techpedia platform also.( At national static event like SRISTI Yuvayantriki award or our Dynamic national Events like ” Envisage” that will be held similar to a Technical Shodh Yatra covering entire nation aiming 10 Technical colleges initially) far as IDP is concerned should we seek any financial help either in terms of academic help or guidance like real Floor training from Industry while signing the issue?
( From data analysis of last 3-4 years i got to know that the Industries are providing IDPs and fellowships to students on an average of 15-45 K after completion of solution successfully in time)Should we talk anything related to this to them even if we may workout this while providing the solution in latter stages. Or we will provide freely for some time by providing a certification to solution provider jointly with Techpedia and that organisation to give some creditability to solution provider.)
1.So far as intellectual property preservation is concerned about the solution of The IDP,what should be our role. Whether the student will own some creditability on the solution or the organisation will absorb major stake of it by providing some reward may be monetarily or in any other sense, if the solution among all become a real unique one.
with warm regards
Hiranmay Mahanta
Anil K Gupta