Online Doctoral course: Institution Building September 16, 2013 begins at 2.30pm ist today


FPM Course: 2013, Term II-III
Institution Building for Sustainable Development
Course Instructor – Prof. Anil K. Gupta (Wing 13, Extension Number – 4927)

With the passage of time, the organizations have to renew their mandate, recharge their vision and enhance their capacity to govern themselves. In the process, the organizational members have to increase their ability to perform their roles beyond the call of the duty. Institutions provide a norm, rule, value and ideology based framework for people to coordinate their expectations. Institutions provide assurances about future uncertainties and reduce transaction costs for achieving collective goals. Institutions are also a means of generating shared understanding of the purpose such that intrinsic motivation dominates over extrinsic one. When internal commands replace external demands, one’s behavior is supposed to become institutional in nature.

In the context of sustainable institutional design, technology may be treated as words, institutions as grammar and culture as thesaurus. All the three act as the fulcra for human expectations and motivations to be coordinated for achieving enduring social impact. The relationship among three factors has become more complex and challenging in the wake of globalization and increasing demand for environmental, ethical and social accountability of institutions.

This course aims at improving the understanding the processes of rulemaking, leadership, values and process of self-renewal in public, private and civil society organizations. When an organization becomes a point of reference in society, it becomes an institution. The values embedded in its operations also become a normative preference in the society.

Given a long colonial past, the culture of conformity and compliance is very deeply embedded in our society. This tendency seriously circumscribes the scope for scouting, spawning and sustaining creativity and innovation at different levels within and outside the organisation. The challenge is to trigger processes of change building upon local creativity without threatening the deeply embedded values and concern for stability. The recent enactment of the Right to Information Act has redefined the social contract between public organization and society. The changes in the electoral laws, making a small expenditure on corporate social responsibility mandatory and similar other provisions or making the democratic functioning of Indian society more and more responsive to social aspirations. The conventional way of defining purpose and dynamics of an organization no more seems to satisfy various stakeholders.

The course builds upon the literature on formal and informal institutions, which govern our behaviour in day-to-day life. The theory of institutions is placed in the context of self-design organizations guided by a process of autopoiesis.

It is not just the ability to self-design but also to self-correct or repair and self-reshape the future directions that become critical for institutional effectiveness. Given increasing transaction costs of monitoring compliance with societal norms in the field of environment, natural resource management, research and development, large public services and educational organisations, the need for self-regulating framework cannot be denied. However, with increasing popular aspirations in society and competitive environment for fulfilling these at the earliest (even by cutting corners, if necessary) the process of creating ethical self-regulating behaviour is not easy.

The theoretical and applied aspects of creating, renewing, sustaining and embedding self-regulating institutions in society will be discussed both in intra and inter-organizational context. The role of new social movements, social networks influenced by social media as well as conventional channels of communication will be studied. The distributed nature of knowledge and inevitability of dealing with multiple meanings will be investigated. Finally, the role of language, culture and proximal vs. virtual communities in shaping our understanding of the larger institutional purpose will be explored. The larger than life goals can motivate an institution builder to unleash the dynamics of impossible vision achieved through imperfect beginning.

The relationship between ways of knowing, feeling and doing requires that we reinterpret the sequence in which each factor may drive the search for others. For some people, the feelings influence the search for knowledge and developing criteria for testing validity and designing actions. For others, the reflections produced by the action (samskar) may modify the search authentic knowledge and its use for generating responsible actions. The participants will present their understanding in each session and through a process of triangulation, we will sharpen our collective understanding. Each Session is of three hours duration.

Reading, Presentation and Discussion
Course will use seminar format for each session in which the student participants will make presentations followed by discussion. Each topic will involve a few theoretical and empirical articles.

Paper Critique/Project
Each participant will be required to critique a published paper and present a publishable quality paper on any topic to be decided in the beginning of the course. An alternative will be to carry out a small project that will critically evaluate the institution building process.

Guest Lecture/Visits/Audio-visual
Depending upon the interest shown by participants, a few visits/guest lectures could be organized.

Session Wise Schedule
Session 1 & 2:
September 9 & 10 2.30 -5.30pm
Theory of institutions – Various coordination mechanisms and their relative efficacy
Organizations often use administrative mechanisms for coordination among various members at different levels. What are the processes through which institutional mechanisms achieve coordination without increasing administrative burden? The typology of institutions and the dynamics of rulemaking will be discussed to arrive at a contingency framework of institution building. The distinction between capacity building to absorb resources vis-à-vis the capacity to define, generate, share and utilize resources will be made while reviewing the literature. The rules about rulemaking will be looked into to understand the mechanism through which parsimony is achieved. At the end of the session, participants should get a feel of possible role and utility of institutions. This session will touch upon following additional themes:
• Transaction cost framework to evaluate relative efficiency of market, state and self design institutions for internalizing externalities
• Political science perspectives on evolution of rules and rule making processes at different levels of governance
• Cultural, ecological perspective on evolution of informal institutions and their interactions with formal institutions
• Organizational theory perspective on institutions within and outside the organizational, institution building vs. organizational development.

Guest lecture: Sept 10, Prof Kuldeep mathur, Governance and role of institutions
Compulsory Readings:

1. Bastiat, F. 1850. The Law. Kessinger Publishing, 01-Jun-2004 , p53
2. Coase, R. H. 1937. The nature of the firm. Economica. 4 (November):
3. Michael W. Bauer. 2011. Governing through Institution Building: Institutional Theory and Recent European Experiments in Democratic Organization, West European Politics, 34(6): 1317-1319.
4. Ouchi, W. 1980. Market, bureaucracies and clans. Administrative Science Quarterly, Volume 25, p: 129-141.
5. Scott, W. R., & Christensen, S. (1995). The Institutional Construction of Organizations: International and Longitudinal Studies. Thousand Oaks, CA, Sage Publications
6. Scott, W. R. (2001). Institutions and Organizations. 2. ed. Thousand Oaks, CA, Sage Publications.
7. Scott, W. R. (2004). Institutional Theory. pp. 408-14 in Encyclopedia of Social Theory, George Ritzer, ed. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
8. Scott, W. Richard, 2004, Institutional Theory: Contributing to a Theoretical Research Program, Chapter prepared for Great Minds in Management: The Process of Theory Development, Ken G. Smith and Michael A. Hitt, eds. Oxford UK: Oxford University Press.
9. Scott, W.R. 2005. Institutional theory: Contributing to a theoretical research program. In K.G. Smith, M.A. Hitt (Eds). Great Minds in Management: 460-484. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
10. Williamson, O. E. 1981. The economics of organizations: The transaction
cost approach. American Journal of Sociology, 87: 548-577.
11. Richard C Feiock, 2013, The Institutional Collective Action Framework, Policy Studies Journal, Volume 41, Issue 3, pages 397–425, August 2013

Additional readings

1. Coase, R.H. 1960. The Problem of Social Cost. Journal of Law and Economics. 3:1-44 .
2. Eisenhardt, K.M 1989. Agency Theory: An Assessment and Review. Academy of Management Review, 14(1): 57-74.
3. Esman, M.J. 1972. Some Issues in Institution Building Theory. Institution Building: A model for Applied Social Change: 65-90. In Institution Building: A Model for APPLIED Social Change, Woods Thomas, Harry Potter, William Millaer, Adrian Aveni Eds., Cambridge, Massachusetts: Shenkman Publishing Company.
4. Jensen, M. and Meckling, W .H. 1976 Theory of the Firm: Managerial Behavior, Agency Costs and Ownership Structure. The Journal of Financial Economics, 3: 305-360.
5. Milgrom P. and Roberts J. 1992. Economics, Organization and Management. – Prentice-Hall, 621 pages, Ch.2, pp. 19-35, Ch.5, pp.147-149, Ch.8, pp. 259-269.
6. North D. 1990. Institutions, Institutional Change and Economic Performance. Cambridge University Press, 152 pages.
7. Siffin, J.W. 1967. The Institution Building Perspective: Properties, Problem, and promise. Indiana University, 265 pages, mimeo.
8. Weick, Karl, E. 1977. Organization Design: Organizations as self-Designing Systems. Organisational Dynamics: 31-46.
9. Williamson O. E., 1991. Comparative Economic Organization: The Analysis of Discrete Structural Alternatives. Institutional Change: Basic Theory. Administrative Science Quarterly, 36: 269-296.
10. Williamson, O. 1979. Transaction Cost Economics: The Governance of Contractual Relations. Journal of Law and Economics, 22: 233-261.

Reference Books:
1. Hirscman, A. O. 1970. Exit, Voice and Loyalty: Responses to decline in firms, organizations and states. Harvard University Press: 1-43.
2. Morris, D. 1978. First published 1977. Manwatching: A Field Guide to Human Behaviour, St Albans, Hertsfordshire, UK: Triad/Panther Books, ISBN 0-586-04887-1 Reprinted 2002 by Vintage as Peoplewatching. ISBN 978-0-09-942978-4

Session 2:
Environmental Contexts of Institutions
Sept 16, 2013 2.30-5.30pm
Collective action for managing natural or other resources requires dealing with free riding as well as externalities (Olson, 1965, 2005, The socio-ecological context influences the design of resource delivery systems [Gupta, 1989]. The 4-S [spatial, social, sectoral and seasonal interactions] and 4-A [access, assurance, ability and attitude] models will be discussed to understand the scope for institutional adaptation to varying environmental conditions. The ex-ante and ex-post transaction costs framework will be used to explore the choices on demand as well as supply side for emergence of institutional design. The role environment plays in the emergence, sustenance and growth of institutions will be studied further through the following themes:
• The attributes of externality and interactions between different attributes and the cost of internalizing the same through various organizational forms:
• Characterizing environment and its complexity from the perspective of different stakeholders
• Mobilizing support for blending organizational strategies with environmental requirements through networks within and outside the organizations:
• Inter-organizational networking for internalizing large scale externalities beyond the capacity of any one organization
• Common property institutions through crafted and grafted rules
• Emerging social and ecological movements influencing the design of institutions and social networks

Compulsory Readings:

1. Gibb, A. 2002. In pursuit of a new ‘enterprise’ and ‘entrepreneurship’ paradigm for learning: creative destruction, new values, new ways of doing things and new combinations of knowledge. International Journal of Management Reviews, 4 (3): 233-269.
2. Maiti, A. K.; Bandyopadhyay, S. & Bagchi, D. K. Innovative and Entrepreneurial Behaviour at the Grass-Roots and Social Network Analysis, Indian Statistical Institute.
3. Mitchell, R. B. and Keilbach, P. 2001. Situation Structure and Institutional Design: Reciprocity, Coercion, and Exchange. International Organization, Autumn2001, 55 (4): 891-917.
4. Pessali, H. F. and Fernández, R. G. 1999. Institutional Economics at the Micro Level? What Transaction Costs Theory Could Learn from Original Institutionalism (In the Spirit of Building Bridges). Journal of Economic Issues, 33 (2): 265-75.
Additional Suggested Readings

1. Hodgson, G. M. 2006. What Are Institutions? Journal of Economic Issues, XL(1): 1-25.
2. Moore, M. 1999. States, Social Policies and Globilizations: Arguing on the right terrain? Paper prepared for Presentation at Conference “Re-Visioning Social Policy for 21st Century: What are the Key Challenges?, The Institute of Development Studies, 28-29 October, 1999.
3. North, D. 1991. Institutions. Journal of Economic Perspectives, 5 (Winter): 97-112.
4. Scott, R,W. Towards a Theoretical Synthesis. Institutional Environments and organizations. SAGE Publications, pp.55-99.

Session 3:
Theory of social networks
Sept 17, 2013 2.30-5.30 pm
Social network analysis provides a perspective on the way different actors in and around organizations negotiate shared and non-shared spaces. The possibility of exchange of resources through networks provides the connectedness but also the scope for unconnected gaps. Emergence of power is inevitable in these networks. In whose interest and in what manner, the power is used determines the fairness of the institutions? The interplay between natural, social, ethical and intellectual capital is analysed to look at the tension between embedded institutions and the explicit or formal institutions. Different kinds of goods are created to facilitate interplay between variety of institutions [private, public, toll, club, common goods]. The role of networks in converting felt needs into articulated needs which are aggregated, registered and responded by the supply system is pursued.
• Dynamics of social networks at different levels in and around organizations
• Small firm networks as a means of generating collective norms for collaboration and competition among small firms to deal with large organizations Collaboration between strangers
• Kinship and cultural network and their bearing on team building processes
• Networking for overcoming information asymmetries within and outside the organizations
• Articulation response model of grievance redressal

Compulsory readings:

1. Adler, P. A., and Adler, P. 1988. Intense loyalty in organizations: A case study of college athletics. Administrative Science Quarterly, 33: 401-417.
2. Alder, P. S. and Kwon, S. 2002. Social Capital: Prospects for a new concept. Academy of Management Review, 23: 17-33.
3. Burt, R. 1997. The contingent value of social capital. Administrative Science Quarterly, 42: 339-365.
4. Kazem Chaharbaghi, (2007), “The problematic of strategy: a way of seeing is also a way of not seeing”, Management Decision, 45 (3): 327 – 339
5. Uzzi, B. 1997. ‘Social structure and competition in interfirm networks: The paradox of embeddedness. Administrative Science Quarterly, 42: 35-67.
Additional Suggested Readings
1. Ashman, D, Brown, L.D. and Zwick, E. (1998). The strength of strong and weak ties: Building social capital for the formation and governance of civil society resource organizations. Nonprofit Management &
Leadership, 9 (2): 153-171.
2. Edward J. M. and Veldhoen, M.E. 1993. Network Activities, Information and Competitiveness in Small Firms . Human Geography, 75(3): 131-147.
3. Kadushin, C. 2004. Introduction to Social Network Theory, Chapter 2: Some Basic Network Concepts and Propositions. Retrieved on September 5, 2013 from–files/reading-history/kadushin.pdf

Session 4:
Theory of social networks (Continued)
Sept 18, 2013 2.30-5.30 pm
1. Gregory, R. J. 1999. Social Capital Theory and Administrative Reform: Maintaining Ethical Probity in Public Service. Public Administration Review, 59(1): 63-75.
2. Honig, B. 1998. What determines success? Examining the human, financial and social capital of Jamaican Microentrepreneurs. Journal of Business Venturing, 13, 371-394.
3. Onyx, J. and Bullen, P. 2000. Measuring Social Capital in five communities. The Journal of Applied Behavioral Science, 36 (1): 23-42.
4. Tsai, W. and Ghoshal, S. 1998. Social Capital and Value Creation: The role of intrafirm Networks. Academy of Management Journal, 41 (4): 464-476.
Additional Suggested Readings (Reference Book):
1. Perrow C. 1993. Small firm networks. In Explorations in Economic Sociology, ed. R Swedberg, pp. 277–402. New York: Russell Sage Found.

Session 5:
Institution Building Process
Sept 24, 2013 2.30-5.30 pm
Leadership plays an important role in creating the templates for articulating different perspectives on institutional design. Different kinds of leaders use different types of power in mobilising support for larger common good. Mobilisation of social and ethical capital is possible when different members of an institution pool their trust in achieving institutional purpose. The relationship between intention, action and consequence is traced for inferring the implicit trust. The renewal of purpose and social ties requires periodic bouts of self-doubt. Taking each other for too much granted is as inimical to the institutional health as not being able to take anyone for granted at all.
• Processes of change and continuity in organizations and social networks
• Communication and feedback patterns
• Styles of decision making in public, private and network organizations
• Taxonomy of leadership and diversity of sources of power
• The demand for openness and accountability influencing the sharing of power within and outside the institutions
• The norms of governance at different levels in society and their bearing on institutional choices

Compulsory Readings:
1. Ganesh, S.R. and Joshi P, 1985. Institution building: Lessons from Vikrarn Sarabhai’s leadership. Retrieved on Sepetember 5, 2013 from
2. Argyris, C. 1982. The executive mind and double-loop learning. Organizational Dynamics, 11(2), 5-22.
3. Gerlach, L. P. and Palmer, G. B. 1981. Adaptation through Evolving Interdependence, Chap. 16 (Part B): 324­380. In Handbook of Organization, Eds Nystrom, P. C and Starbuck, W. H. , University Press, – 560 pages
4. Hedberg B. O., Paul, T. Nystrom, C. and Starbuck, W. H. 1976. Camping on Seesaws; Prescriptions for a Self-Designing Organization, ASO, 21: 41-65.

Additional Suggested Readings
1. Ganesh, S.R. 1980. Institution Building for Social and Organizational Change: An Appreciation. Organization Studies, 1(3):209-228.
2. Majumdar, S. and Mukand, S.W. 2004. On Institution Building. Retrieved on September 5, 2013 from
3. Nahapiet, J. and Ghoshal, S. 1998. Social Capital, Intellectual Capital and the Organisational Advantage. Academy of Management Review, 23 (2): 242-266.

Session 6:
Institution Building Process (Continued)
Oct 1, 2013 2.30-5.30 pm

1. Hayek, F. A. 1945. The Use of knowledge in society. American Economic Review, 35 (4): 519-530.
2. Munshi, K.M. 1951. The Gospel of the Dirty Hand, Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, Government of India, New Delhi.
3. Scott, R. W. 1987. The Adolescence of Institutional theory, Administrative Science Quarterly, December 1987, 32: 493-511.
4. Sjostrand, Sven-Erik 1993. Institutions as Infrastructures of Human Interaction, Institutional Change Theory and Emphirical Findings. Eds. Sven-Erik Sjostrand. Sharpe, M. E.Publishers, New York: 428 pages.

Reference Book
1. Dewey John, 1922. On human nature and Conduct. Henry Holt and Company,
New York.

Session 7:
Political economy of institution building
Oct 3, 2013 2.30-530 pm
The emergence of power is as important as the manifestation of learned helplessness in any organization. More the evidence of the latter, the less enduring is the former. The contradictions inherent in the distribution of power influence the external and internal dynamics of institutions. It is difficult to maintain institutional excellence in an islandic existence. The management of dissent and diversity is a major challenge before any institutional building. The minority interests within the institution when aligned with minority interest outside make political economic dynamics of institutions quite complex. The ruling coalitions may resort to a spoils system for maintaining status quo. Thomas Carlyle’s epochal work on The Hero and Hero worship ( 1840) will be discussed in detail.
• Power in organizations and their networks
• Asymmetry in power, resources and skills vis-a-vis the symmetry in expectations of stakeholders
• Historical evolution of power centres and their accountability through fuzzy roles

Compulsory Readings

1. Carlyle, T. 1840. The Hero As King, Cromwell Napoleon: Modern Revolutionism, On Heroes, Hero-worship, and the Heroic in History, Chapter IV.
2. Jeffrey Pfeffer, 1992. Managing With Power: Politics and Influence in Organizations, Harvard Business Press, 391 pages.
3. Paquet, G. 1984. The optimal amount of coercion is not zero. Paper presented at Conference on Social Science Research in Canada- Ottawa, October 3-5, 1984.
4. Portes, A. 1998. Social capital: Its origins and applications in modern sociology. Annual Review of Sociology, 24:1-24.
Additional Suggested Readings
1. Adler, P. S., and Kwon, S. W. 2002. Social Capital: Prospects for a New Concept. Academy of Management Review, 27, 1: 17- 40.
2. Brass, D. I.; Butterfield, K. D. and Skaggs, B. C. 1998. Relationships and unethical behavior: A social network perspective. Academy of Management Review, 23: 14-31.
3. Elster J. 1989. Social Norms and Economic Theory. Journal of Economic Perspectives, 3: 99-117.
4. French, J. R. P. and Raven, B. 1959. The Bases of Social Power. In Cartwright, D. (Eds.), Studies in Social Power Research Center for Group Dynamics, Institute for Social Research, University of Michigan, 1959 – 225 pages
5. Lin, N. 1999. Building a Network Theory of Social Capital. Connections, 22 (1): 28-51
6. Portes, A. 1998. Social Capital: Its Origins and Applications in Modern Sociology. Annual Review of Sociology, 24: 1-24.

Reference Books:
1. Jean-Paul Sartre. Life/situations, Published January 12th 1978 by Pantheon (first published 1977), Pantheon Books, New York , 217 pages , (ISBN13: 9780394734606)

2. Freire Paulo, 1970. Pedegogy of the Oppressed, translated by Myra Ramos into English, published by Continuum Publishing Corporation, UK from Pedagogia do Oprimido (published in 1968, written in Portugese) .

Session 8:
Role of values and ethics
Oct 4, 2013 2.30-5.30pm
When in doubt, which compass to use, the one which indicates the path i travelled in past or the one which suggests a way ahead but without any guarantee of success, but may be more relevant? while building institutions, we face several dilemma about keeping parity between unequal, promoting excellence versus loyalty, being right versus being relevant, slow enough to let laggard catch up and fast enough to outpace its own inertia! Where do ethical lamp posts get oil from for keeping lights on? which values provide the clay for making the lamps common people and workers float on river as a part of their devotional ritual?
Institution building and ethical and value dilemma
• Normative discourse on, and practical challenges in, conflicting value systems in organization
• Ethical aspects or organizational change and societal impacts: The case of Project Camelot
• Value building processes
• Resolving dilemma at individual, group, organisational and inter-organisational level

Compulsory Readings:

1. Becker, T. E.1998. Integrity in Organization: Beyond Honesty and Conscientiousness. Academy of Management Review. 23 (1): 154-161.
2. Friedman Milton, The Social Responsibility of Business is to Increase its Profits, article published in The New York Times Magazine, September 13, 1970. Copyright @ 1970 by The New York Times Company.
3. West, G. P. and Meyer, G. D. 1998. To agree or not to agree? Consensus and Performance in New Ventures. Executive summary, Journal of Business Venturing, 13, 395-422.

Additional Suggested Readings
1. Akerlof G.A. 1984. The Markets for “Lemons”: Quality Uncertainty and the Market Mechanism. Quarterly Journal of Economics, 84:488-500.

Session 8:
Managing Grassroots institutions and institutions supporting grassroots initiatives
Nov 27 2.30-5.30pm
India is a highly diverse country. It is said that the language and the eating habits change every 100 miles. This session will focus on the various challenges and real-life problems encountered while managing institutions promoting creativity and innovation at the grassroots level besides supporting local institutions promoting excellence at local level. The transition of grassroots initiatives into national policy and institutional structures will be discussed. How three previous Heads of the State in India gave unique impetus to the grassroots innovation movement will be explored. Why India became the first nation in the world where The President hosts an innovation exhibition at Presidents House will be understood to look emerging Indian renaissance. The class will look at the evolution of several national and international initiatives –
1. Society for Research and Initiatives for Sustainable Technologies and Institutions (SRISTI,
2. Grassroots Innovation Augmentation Network (GIAN, )
3. National Innovation Foundation ( )
4.–an initiative of SRISTI
5. Honey Bee Network–umbrella linking seven Es ( ethics, excellence, environment, empathy, equity, education.

Suggested Readings:
1. Gupta, anil k, 2013, Tapping the Entrepreneurial Potential of Grassroots Innovation: Stanford Social Innovation Review, 3, 2013 ial_of_grassroots_innovation ; Frugal Innovations, 2013, mimeo, IIMA, Innovations for the poor by the poor, Keynote lecture delivered at the Wits University Innovation for Development: Frontiers of Research, Policy and Practice Symposium, Feb 24-26, 2010, Johannesburg, International Journal of Technological Learning, Innovation and Development 2012 – Vol. 5, No.1/2 pp. 28 – 39

2. Christens, B. D., 2010. Public relationship building in grassroots community organizing: Relational intervention for individual and systems change. Journal of Community Psychology, 38 (7), 886–900
3. Fleisher C. S.,2003. Managing grassroots and assessing its performance. Journal of Public Affairs, 3 (4): 371-382
4. Gundelach P., 1982. Grass-roots Organizations, Societal Control and Dissolution of Norms, Acta Sociologica 25: 57-65.
5. Guo S., 2006. Adult education for social change: The role of a grassroots organization in Canada. Convergence, 39 (4), 107-122.
6. Kaufman E. K. & Grace P. E., 2011. Women in grassroots leadership: Barriers and biases experienced in a membership organization dominated by men. Journal of Leadership Studies, 4 (4): 6-16.
7. Morone, J. A., 2011. Big Ideas, Broken Institutions, and the Wrath at the GrassRoots. Journal of Health Politics, Policy and Law, 36 (3): 4775-790.

Session 9:
Process Dimensions of institution building: Myths, belief system, values, language and impetus for social change
Nov 28 2.30-5.30pm
How do institutions codify the implicit values through myths and influence the way of societal thinking? Why is Eklavya’s story narrated all over the country cutting across all cultural boundaries with the same meaning and message? How do societies adopt certain values, which are compatible with dominant worldview? what are the processes through which new social movements have broken out of the limits enacted by conventional thought structures? How does language shapes the habit of thought?
• Role of norms, belief system, myths and values in bringing about change
• Leadership: Individual and collective forms and leadership:
• Role reversal in organisations
• new social movements and emerging role of social media and other horizontal self -organizing communication and networking platfirms

Compulsory Readings:
1. Astin H. and Astin A. 2000. Leadership Reconsidered: Engaging Higher Education in Social Change. Executive Summary.
2. Bendor J. and Swistak P. 2001. The Evolution of norms. American Journal of Sociology, 106 (6): 1493—545
3. Carlyle T. 1840. The Hero As King, Cromwell Napoleon: Modern Revolutionism, On Heroes, Hero-worship, and the Heroic in History, Chapter IV.
4. Manz C. C. and Sims, H. 1987. Leading leaders to lead themselves: The External Leadership of self-managing work teams. Administrative Science Quarterly, 32, 106-128

Reference Books :
1. Weick K., 1979. The Social Psychology of Organizing (Second edition). McGraw Hill, 294 pages.

Additional Suggested Readings

1. Beck T. and Laeven L., 2006. Institution building and growth in transition economies, Journal of Economic Growth, 11(2), 157–86.
2. Nehnevajsa, J. 1972. Methodological issues in Institution-Building Research pp.64-87. In (Eds.) Eaton, J. W. Institution Building and Development: From Concepts to Application. Sage Publication, London, 271 pages.
3. Ostrom E.,2004. Collective Action and Property Rights for Sustainable Development. Understanding Collective Action, 2020 Focus Brief – IFPRI Briefs.
4. Sjostrand S. E., 1993. On Institutional Thought in the Social and Economic Sciences. In Institutional Change: Theory and Empirical Findings. M.E. Sharpe Publishers, 428 pages
5. Weimer D.L., 1995. Institutional Design: Overview. Institutional Design. Kluwer Academic Publishers. Boston.

Session 10:
Organizational contexts for developing IB strategies
(Educational institutions)
Nov 29,2013 2.30-5.30pm
Compulsory readings:

1. Ganesh, S.R. 1983. From thin air to firm ground: Empirical guidelines for a general processual model of institution building, Human Relations, 32(9): 751-779
2. Gupta A. K. 1985. Rediscovering the Lost Goals: participatory Institution Building Exercise. IIM-Mimeo.
3. Mathai R. J., 1977. Problems of Academic Administration in Institution Building: A Layman’s Experience. In R. J. Mathai, U. Pareek and T. V. Rao, Institution Building in Education and Research. New Delhi. All India Management Association.
4. Raghunathan, V. IIMA Today- In Need of a Rudder.
5. Vikalpa. 2004. Social Context of Management Education: Institution Building Experiences at IIMs, I G Patel, Samuel Paul, Pradip N Khandwalla, Amitava Bose, K R S Murthy, N Vittal, Rishikesha T Krishnan, and Arun Kumar Jain, Anil K Gupta (Coordinator), 29(2) 85-109
6. West C. K. and Hoerr W. A. 1985. Communication and Work Patterns among Productive Scholars in Psycho-Educational Research. In West, Charles K.; Hoerr, William A.. Human Relations, Feb 1985, 38 (2), (to introduce the notion of invisible college)
7. Gupta, anil K, 2013, Learning from the minds on the margin: Towards a new social contract for responsible science, Prof. P.N. Srivastava Endowment Lecture delivered at JNU, New Delhi, 11th April 2013
8. ——————-,2013 Harnessing innovative potential of youth in formal and informal sector of IDB member countries: Lessons of Honey Bee Network, The Expert Group meeting on Innovation for Economic Development in IDB Member Countries, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, 18 Feb 2013 through video conference
9. ———————, 2012,Roadmap for educational innovation in institutions of higher learning, Presented at the Roundtable on Educational Innovation, organized by Ministry of Human Resource Development, Government of India in collaboration with UK-India Education and Research Initiative, New Delhi, 20th April 2012, IIMA W.P.No. WP 2012-06-01
Additional Suggested Readings
1. Ganesh S. R., 1980. Performance of Management Education Institutions: An Indian Sampler. Higher Education, 9(3): 239-253.
2. Rao T.V. 1990., Institution Building and Self Renewal Needs of Education System. Working Paper 866, Ahmedabad: Indian Institute of Management.
3. Rao T. V., Institutional Processes at IIMA: Some Personal Experiences.
4. Rao S. S., 1992. Institution building in Development Organizations: A teaching note. mimeo, IIMA

Session 11:
IB Strategies in public sector development organisations
Dec 18, 2013
Deregulation and capacity building among rule bound ‘followers’
Differentiation among client groups and their relationships with organisational subsets
Generating inter personal trust to reduce intra organisational transaction costs
Diffused inter organisational linkages and need for strategic alliances
Networking with different ‘publics’ in public systems

Compulsory Readings
1. Hayek F. A., 1945. The Use of knowledge in society. American Economic Review,35 (4): 519-530.
2. Lewis D., 1998. Nongovernmental Organizations, Business, and the Management of Ambiguity. 9 (2): 135–152.
3. Strang D. and Meyer J.W., 1993. Institutional Conditions for Diffusion. Theory and society. 22, 487-511.
4. Siffin, W. J. Institution Building as Vision and Venture: A Critique. In (Eds.) Eaton, J. W. Institution Building and Development: From Concepts to Application. Sage Publication, London. p. 43-63.

Session 12:
IB Strategies in environmental regulation and management organisation

Dec 19, 2013
Building social networks for monitoring eco systems health
Converting awareness into action and generating large scale consensus around emerging environmental goals
How to regulate the regulators: The case of state Pollution Control Board
Policy framework for building inter organisational partnership to overcome environmental externalities
Instruments and Incentives for negotiating collaboration in shifting costs and benefits of environmental management at local, regional and global level

Compulsory readings:

1. Angelis M. D., 2000. Social Individuals, Economic Institutions and Socio-economic change: a conceptual framework. Paper presented at the “Other Economic Conference”, Association for Heterodox Economics, 27-28 June 2000.
2. Gupta A. K. and Kumar R. 1986. Evolution of Ethical Dilemma and Conflicts in Social Science Research: An annotated Essay. IIMA.
3. Gupta A. K. and Prakash A., 1993. On Internalization of Externalities. Working Paper IIMA. W.P. no. 1126. Aug. 1993.
4. North D. C., 1993. Institutional change: a framework of analysis, in: Sjostrand S. E. (Ed.) Institutional Change: Theory and Empirical Findings, pp. 35–46. Armonk, NY: M.E.

Session 13
institutional visit

Session 14
Open Innovation platforms: learning through reciprocity and mutuality

Session 15
Term Paper Proposal Presentations


Visiting Faculty, IIM Ahmedabad & IIT Bombay and an independent thinker, activist for the cause of creative communities and individuals at grassroots, tech institutions and any other walk of life committed to make this world a more creative, compassionate and collaborative place