Author Description


Survival Under Stress: Socio Ecological Perspective on Farmers Innovation and Risk Adjustments, W.P. No. 738, 1988, International Congress on Plant Physiology, New Delhi,1988., revised version published in Capitalism, Nature and Socialism,5,1990, 79-96.  J1, L23 Download
Peasant Knowledge, Protocol of Its Extraction and Ethics of Collaboration In Extractions. W.P.No.851, January 1990, P 12. Also published in brief as Peasant Knowledge – Who has Rights To Use It ? ILEIA, News Letter, March...
Performance in an Uncertain World. Paper presented at International Conference on Sustainability Through Commons, Duke University, September, 1990 and revised version presented at International conference of Society of Advancements in Socio-Economics and IAREP, Stockholm, June 16-19,1991....